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In the framework of the EC4RURAL project, we invite all people interested in creating rural energy communities to participate in an inspiring and experiential event.
10.30 – Gathering and welcome coffee.
11:00 – 13:00 – Seminar and discussion:
-Taavi Liivandi will share his experiences on the challenges and successes of energy community building in Hiiumaa.
-Local government’s perspective on energy communities (speaker to be specified).
-Rene Reisner (Ministry of Climate Change) will talk about the development of energy communities in Estonia.
-Panel discussion “Why do we need community energy?”.
Discussion and exchange of ideas to draw inspiration and share experiences.
13.00 – 13:30 – Lunch break (own expense).
13:30 – Tour with host Urmas Johanson. We will explore the Tikupoiss solar park, battery storage facilities and wind generator.

Come and be part of an exchange of innovative ideas and experiences to promote rural energy solutions!
Please, register for the workshop via the Google form here: https://forms.gle/ctbSood9sPjq7zhi9

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