EC4RURAL korraldab teise veebiseminari, et määratleda Galiitsia ja Hispaania maapiirkondade energiakogukondade plaanid Poolt EC4RURAL|2024-07-10T13:53:11+02:00juuli 10, 2024|Uncategorized @et|
EC4RURAL projekti kogemuste vahetamise 1. seminari videod Poolt EC4RURAL|2024-07-04T12:31:43+02:00juuli 4, 2024|Uncategorized @et|
Ilmus EC4RURAL projekti neljas uudiskiri Poolt EC4RURAL|2024-05-13T10:14:08+02:00mai 9, 2024|Set-up phase|
I Congress on Energy Communities and Social Economy Poolt EC4RURAL|2024-03-08T12:56:40+01:00märts 11, 2024|Set-up phase|
LIFE-CET Energy Communities Meeting Poolt EC4RURAL|2024-03-08T13:05:14+01:00märts 8, 2024|Set-up phase|
The first meeting of the EC4RURAL series of regional seminars will be held in the municipality of Lääne-Harju. Poolt EC4RURAL|2024-03-06T17:29:10+01:00märts 6, 2024|Set-up phase|
The European project EC4RURAL organises a meeting with the neighbours of Outes to inform them about the creation of a rural energy community Poolt EC4RURAL|2024-02-19T18:51:41+01:00veebruar 19, 2024|Set-up phase|
EC4RURAL tests a social and sustainable energy model in 22 Galician municipalities. Poolt EC4RURAL|2024-04-03T09:07:34+02:00veebruar 6, 2024|Set-up phase|
Municipalities, companies, and social actors from all over Galicia are looking for solutions for solutions on campus to boost the energy transition in rural areas. Poolt EC4RURAL|2023-11-23T18:27:56+01:00november 23, 2023|Set-up phase|
Presentation of the project to the municipalities Poolt EC4RURAL|2024-03-13T10:02:35+01:00oktoober 26, 2023|Set-up phase|